it was hard to believe.. the king of pop has died, Michael Jackson
he died in the age of 50, on June 25th 2009
he was famous for his MOON WALK..
i knew it from my friend, then i looked up at the internet to find out.. i was shocked by knowing his death..
as my contribution of remembering his death, i made an artwork of him..
check it out on my polyvore :D
Jumat, 26 Juni 2009
Selasa, 23 Juni 2009
16 to 17
(to myself) lol
(to myself) lol
i am glad to be 17, some people said
"you are legal when you turn 17"
so on the 21st of June which is the day before my big day, around 9.30pm i asked my friends next door to come over to my house and celebrate the midnight party..well sadly only 2 people could make it, so i spent the midnight party with 2 of my friends and my niece.
first we talk until 11.30, then i went to CIRCLE K with a friend of mine to buy some soda and snacks.. at 00.00 text message started to filled my cellphone inbox and my friends and niece congratulated me at that very special time..
(tired of using english)
yaudah, mulai deh minum dan makan2 ngobrol2 ngerokok2 sampai akhirnya kita main kartu BLAK JACK garing dong kalo yg kalah ga disuruh ngapa2in..yauda karna gw inget masih ada 1/2 botol JIM BEAM BLACK LABEL kita semua setuju kalo botol maksiat itulah tantangannya.. yg mantep tuh salah satu temen gw ada yg anaknya pak haji, dan dia yg paling banyak minum hahahaha anak pak haji kok kelakuan kayak preman, ckckck
kita semua udah teler, ga kerasa udah jam 4 PAGI yaudah deh pada balik semua ke rumah masing2 berhubung rumah mereka tinggal kepleset aja juga nyampe..hoho
kepala pusing, ga bisa tidur, ngomong ga jelas..tapi bangun@ udah jam 9pagi..di bangunin sama keponakan2 gw yg masi kecil2..
first we talk until 11.30, then i went to CIRCLE K with a friend of mine to buy some soda and snacks.. at 00.00 text message started to filled my cellphone inbox and my friends and niece congratulated me at that very special time..
(tired of using english)
yaudah, mulai deh minum dan makan2 ngobrol2 ngerokok2 sampai akhirnya kita main kartu BLAK JACK garing dong kalo yg kalah ga disuruh ngapa2in..yauda karna gw inget masih ada 1/2 botol JIM BEAM BLACK LABEL kita semua setuju kalo botol maksiat itulah tantangannya.. yg mantep tuh salah satu temen gw ada yg anaknya pak haji, dan dia yg paling banyak minum hahahaha anak pak haji kok kelakuan kayak preman, ckckck
kita semua udah teler, ga kerasa udah jam 4 PAGI yaudah deh pada balik semua ke rumah masing2 berhubung rumah mereka tinggal kepleset aja juga nyampe..hoho
kepala pusing, ga bisa tidur, ngomong ga jelas..tapi bangun@ udah jam 9pagi..di bangunin sama keponakan2 gw yg masi kecil2..
"mas galang selamat ulangtaun yaa..aku punya boneka nemo dong.."
dalem hati gw:sialan nih anak, gw ulangtaun bukannya di kasi kado malah pamer boneka baru -_-'
tapi yaudalah kan anak kichiil~ ok gw turun ketemu keluarga blablablablabla gw langsung naik lagi ke kamar buka internet..yaa ada lah ratusan orang ngucapin HAPPY BIRTHDAY ada yg dari temen gw, ada yg dari sodara gw, ada juga random people yg nge-add gw di facebook ngucapin juga (berguna juga nih orang2) trus gw bengong sejenak, mulai berfikir gila kalo bakal ngadain makan2 secara mendadak malemnya sama booking sana sini restoran ini itu (ok lebay) tadinya mau ke BANDAR JAKARTA agak ribet sih emang soalnya kan masuk ancol aja harus bayar sekitar 12ribuan belom mobil bla bla bla..akhirnya gw ke KE'KU:N cafe di daerah bangka (kemang geseran dikit) karna pastinya pada ngerokok gw langsung pesen area yg smoking, pastinya yg indoor biar adeem~
lalu gw kabarin temen2 gw yg uda gw sortir untuk dateng (budget terbatas jadi ga bisa undang semua temen skola gw) hehehe
lalu gw kabarin temen2 gw yg uda gw sortir untuk dateng (budget terbatas jadi ga bisa undang semua temen skola gw) hehehe
here are some pictures of my birthday dinner with my friends:
birthday people, ulangtaun secara bergiliran..
glad to be 17, preparing for driving liscence and id..hohoho
thx to klodo as the photographer :)
Kamis, 18 Juni 2009
twitter world
most of my friends had asked me
trus gw bilang..
me : "gak!ga sempet maen gituan "
and guess what?! i made one for my own, what a shame 0_o
i managed to use the same id as this blog and youtube: monkeysgoneloco
well afterall twitter lumayan lah buat yg gada kerjaan, like what i'm doing with this blog -_-
dan menurut gw, i did quite a good job in this twitter world..hahha 15 followers in 2 days?!
(padahal temen gw
one night in Paris themed dinner party has was awesome, having fun with my friends is the most important thing in this sort of event. for me, attending with a date can be a mistake if you decide to bring date from the outer school..well 5hours before the event, i did not have any date, well i don't really care tho' but then my friend Dheta who also known as the president of the student council asked me if i could be her date for the prom, because her date can't make it to coz he stays in the boarding school. well i managed to approve her request as her prom date..well i picked her at 6pm SHARP!! then we made our way straight to the prom and of course we walk thorough the RED CARPET
FYI! my date is the one with black dress..^
overall, the prom was GREAT!especially the AFTER PARTY!!
man it was kickass!
the kickass after party was held at Amor Club-Kemang
Selasa, 02 Juni 2009
As we go on we remember,
All the times we had togther,
And as our lives change come whatever,
We will still be friends forever!
-"Graduation" by Vitamin C
the bittersweet C'est L'amour is coming!
a formal dinner party with the theme "one night in Paris"
this SATURDAY, July 6th, 2009
can't wait..
DO I NEED A PROM DATE?? naah i don't think so..
but i do need some preparations..
All the times we had togther,
And as our lives change come whatever,
We will still be friends forever!
-"Graduation" by Vitamin C
the bittersweet C'est L'amour is coming!
a formal dinner party with the theme "one night in Paris"
this SATURDAY, July 6th, 2009
can't wait..
DO I NEED A PROM DATE?? naah i don't think so..
but i do need some preparations..
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